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  • Why Hard Ruins Your Laundry - How To Fix It

    Why Hard Ruins Your Laundry - How To Fix It

    When it comes to laundry, hard water can be an absolute nightmare. Hard water has a high concentration of minerals, such as calcium and magnesium, that can cause major damage...

    Robin Collins |

  • Signs Your Drinking Water Might Be Contaminated

    Signs Your Drinking Water Might Be Contaminated

    Water contamination is a critical health concern in the United States. Contaminated water can contain harmful bacteria, parasites, viruses, and chemicals that can make people sick. The Environmental Protection Agency...

    Jessie S |

  • How to make tap water safe for plants

    How to make tap water safe for plants

    Tap water is a common source of water for plants, but it may not always be the best choice. While tap water is safe for most plants, it can contain...

    Robin Collins |

  • Why Does Drinking Tap Water Make Me Feel Sick

    Why Does Drinking Tap Water Make Me Feel Sick

    It’s no secret that tap water can make us feel unwell, but what causes this and what can be done about it? Tap water can contain a variety of contaminants,...

    Jessie S |

  • What Is Acidic Water and How Do You Treat It

    What Is Acidic Water and How Do You Treat It

    Acidic water is a growing problem in the United States. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that one in every four streams in the country is too acidic for aquatic...

    Robin Collins |

  • What are the most eco-friendly types of water filters

    What are the most eco-friendly types of water filters

    The global water crisis is one of the most serious environmental issues of our time. With the population growing and resources dwindling, it is becoming increasingly important to find sustainable...

    Robin Collins |

  • Why does tap water taste bad

    Why does tap water taste bad

    We use water for drinking, cooking, and bathing. Most of us take water for granted and think that the water coming out of our taps is clean and safe. Unfortunately,...

    Robin Collins |

  • How to remove arsenic from water

    How to remove arsenic from water

    The EPA estimates that more than 13 million people in the United States drink water that contains arsenic. Arsenic is a naturally occurring element in the environment, and it can...

    Robin Collins |

  • Why filtered water is good for Ice machine

    Why filtered water is good for Ice machine

    If your ice machine is connected to a water line, you’re probably using tap water to fill it. That’s not the best idea. Tap water can contain minerals that can...

    Robin Collins |

  • Is reverse osmosis water alkaline?

    Is reverse osmosis water alkaline?

    Reverse osmosis water is water that has been filtered by using a reverse osmosis water filter. A reverse osmosis (RO) is specially designed to remove impurities from water by forcing...

    Robin Collins |

  • Does alkaline water help with acid reflux?

    Does alkaline water help with acid reflux?

    Are you one of the millions of Americans who suffer from occasional or chronic acid reflux? If so, you may be looking for ways to relieve your symptoms. Some people...

    Robin Collins |